"Watch the diet! Keep the body optimistic. Do not allow self to become in any way retrospective as to the outcome of the physical applications, save as toward good."
Edgar Cayce reading 979-6
注意饮食!保持乐观!别让自我走老路而使方法失效,当然除了善行。 凯西解读979-6
"Plenty of raw vegetables are to be taken. At least one meal each day should consist wholly of raw vegetables, or almost entirely."
Edgar Cayce Reading 1993-1
“要吃足够多的生的蔬菜。至少每天一餐全部或者绝大部分是生蔬菜。” 凯西解读1993-1
"Eat the foods in season and of the place the body is in." Edgar Cayce reading 257-22
要食用当季的和当地的食物 凯西解读 257-22
"Breath is the life-blood cleansing of the body...For, there are the needs for the combination of the gases as inhaled to act upon the purifying of the system."
Edgar Cayce reading 2072-5
凯西解读 2072-5
"Eliminating the poisons and the tensions, or buzz as it were upon the nerve system---will naturally make for easier sleep."
Edgar Cayce reading 2050-1
消除毒素和紧张,或者说消除神经系统上的噪音,将会自然地让身体有好的睡眠。 凯西解读 2050-1
"The positive use of bright yellow can lead to the regeneration of cells and perfect emotional harmony."
From Color and the Edgar Cayce Readings by Roger Lewis
摘自“凯西之色彩”by Roger Lewis
"Quiet, meditation, for a half to a minute, will bring strength..." Edgar Cayce reading 311-4
“静默,冥想,哪怕是半分钟,将会带来力量的...” 凯西解读 311-4
"never [when] under strain, when very tired, very excited, very mad, should the body take foods in the system, see? And never take any food that the body finds is not agreeing with same..."
Edgar Cayce reading 137-30
凯西解读 137-30
"The body should be more erect in carriage."
Edgar Cayce reading 288-11
凯西解读 288-11
"...the quicker way, the greater response, physically and mentally, may be found by the perfect relaxation in meditation..."
Edgar Cayce reading 257-92
凯西解读 257-92
"To every individual who requested a reading, no matter what the problems or illness, Cayce stressed the importance of right thinking".
From An Edgar Cayce Encyclopedia of Foods for Health and Healing compiled by Brett Bolton
摘自《凯西之健康和治愈食品百科全书》Brett Bolton编撰
"...all healing is from the Divine within, and not from medications. Medications only attune or accord a body for the proper reactions from the elemental forces of divinity within each corpuscle, each cell, each muscle, each activity of every atom of the body itself."
Edgar Cayce reading 1173-6
凯西解读 1173-6